WidePoint Blog

The Time to Switch to a TEM Provider is Now

Written by WidePoint Corporation | Jul 8, 2021 1:39:39 PM

The demand for Telecom Expense Management (TEM) is surging, as more businesses make use cases for TEM to manage their ever-growing telecom environments. With the marketplace poised to experience rapid growth in the near future, companies are increasing their reliance on TEM to:

  • Manage mobile user growth, support Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies, and empower a remote workforce

  • Gain complete visibility into inventory costs to avoid overcharges, minimize or eliminate late fees, and reduce
    overall telecom expenses

  • Improve decision-making regarding soft-cost allocations for devices, maintenance, and support services
Despite organization’s greater emphasis on TEM initiatives, some companies continue to manage their telecom environments in-house. What these businesses may not realize, is that outsourcing their TEM needs to a trusted partner can be more efficient. If you currently manage your TEM internally, ask yourself these questions.

Is Your In-House TEM Management Actually Cheaper?

Keeping track of telecom expenses in spreadsheets may appear more cost-effective than implementing a robust solution, but the time needed to manage these processes can otherwise be spent on growing your business and improving your services.

By outsourcing your TEM to a leading provider, your company can not only free itself from tedious, manual, or error-prone processes but also gain access to asset-tracking and expense prediction analytics that will save you both time and money. Think about how much better your organization will run with a single telecom management portal that is customized to your specific telecom needs.


Is Your Telecom Environment Secure?

Telecommunications remain a top target for hackers who are looking to gain access to trade secrets and sensitive customer information. Companies are not always prepared to handle the latest and advanced security threats impacting their businesses and leveraging a piecemeal TEM-security approach can put your company and customers at risk.  

A trusted TEM partner will customize a TEM solution to your specific business needs and establish the necessary security measures to keep malicious parties from accessing your IT environment. A comprehensive TEM offering delivers 24/7 client support and contains stringent security standards to ensure your organization’s data is safeguarded at all times. Can your in-house team do the same?


Can Your Team Scale?

It is difficult enough to scale a company without dealing with all the variables of a telecom environment along the way. The in-house team handling your TEM needs today may not be the same group addressing your telecom demands tomorrow. Whether people voluntarily or involuntarily leave or retire from your organization, employee churn is inevitable, and can significantly impact your TEM processes. The costs of replacing an employee are significant, as your organization must devote the time, resources, and training required to onboard and ramp up new employees to your unique telecom demands.

By using a partner to oversee all of your TEM-related needs, your internal teams can focus on mission-critical tasks, rather than devoting their days to validating invoices, managing service inventory, or having to replace employees responsible for your TEM initiatives.

As your telecom environment expands and becomes more complex, do you trust your internal teams to deliver a comprehensive management plan to maximize your assets, services, and budget along the way?


Can You Manage Device Disposals Effectively?

Your organization may look very different in the near future, both in terms of your workforce and the devices they use daily. By keeping your TEM processes in-house, your company has to manage everything from asset refreshes to device disposals and data security.

A top TEM provider engages in lifecycle management and offers:

  • Secure erasing of data from older devices

  • Recycling of unwanted devices

  • Reselling of devices to maximize your return on investment

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If your organization has kept your TEM in-house, you may not be maximizing your investments, gaining complete visibility into your telecom inventory, or mitigating security risks. By partnering with a TEM provider, you can offload all of these tasks to free up your internal workforce.

WidePoint is a trusted TEM partner for Fortune 500 organizations and government agencies alike. WidePoint provides personalized TEM solutions to manage your wireless telecom assets and expenses, improve your telecom-related decision-making, and maximize your security.

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